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How do you maintain a propeller shaft seal?

Most dripless shaft seals have a number of parts that need vigilance and regularly scheduled maintenance / adjusting. Some systems also need debris cleaned off certain components periodically. The Norscot Dripless Shaft Seal, with it’s simple, yet robust, design, is a...

How do propeller shaft seals work?

Propeller shaft seals work by allowing the prop shaft to both exit the boat and rotate while at the same time keeping the water on the outside. The shaft seal also lubricates the shaft (not unlike a stuffing box) as it exits the boat. Most propeller shaft seals...

What is a shaft seal on a boat?

Dripless shaft seals are a mechanical miracle product for boaters. A dripless shaft seal system prevents water from entering the bilge as the boat moves while keeping water out of the bilge. Every boater, no matter the size of boat or vessel, wants a dry bilge....

Third-generation Ibsen takes the helm of the Ibsen Company

Press Release March 2020 Seattle, WA, March 15th, 2020: The Ibsen Company, trusted manufacturers’ representatives in the marine industry, is proud to announce the appointment of third-generation Bill Ibsen to company President. The Ibsen Company was founded in 1950 by...